For the past two months, the Adirondacks have received above average quantities of rainfall. This has led many of our beloved streams and rivers to reach flood stage and have become un-fishable. The numerous ponds of the Adirondacks, however, remain pristine and full of life. The fishing for Brook Trout in ponds has been unbelievable so far. This has been largely due to the Chironomid/Midge hatch that has now been going strong for the past week. My favorite way to target fish keying in on Chironomids is to fish a larger Griffith's Gnat with a Chironomid Pupa tied 1' off the bend of the hook. The purpose for this is that it serves as a "Hopper/Dropper Rig" so that the fish can either take the adult or the pupa stage. Another method that has been working well for me has been fishing classic streamer patterns such as Grey Ghosts on a type 3 full sink line. Below are some photos of recent fish caught this spring!

Tight lines everyone, thanks for reading!
- Andrew