Once again, the King Salmon have returned to the waters of Oswego in full force! Last weekend we experienced a large West wind system that created a very deep thermocline and with it, hordes of Salmon. With light winds this week and warming air temperatures, we should see a nice and stable thermocline develop. This will most likely make the fishing even better (if it could possibly get better). The majority of the fish we are taking right now are 13-20 pounds with some larger and smaller fish present as well. Meat rigs with 8" and 11" attractors have been our go-to on our Scotty Downriggers and long coppers.

If you are interested in getting out on Lake Ontario we have some dates left to fill! Come out and see what it is about! This is Lake Ontario Salmon fishing at it's finest!
To book click here: https://www.cobblecreekoutfitters.com/lake-ontario-charters
Capt Andy