The Steelhead fishing this month on the Salmon River in Pulaski, NY has been very steady! Each trip we have been hooking and landing our fair share of Steelhead on egg sacs, beads, and jigs under floats. The upper and middle sections of the river seem to be fishing equal, with good amounts of Steelhead in both sections. This is a great sign as we are approaching our Spring season on the Salmon River. If you would like to go on a guided drift boat trip on the Salmon River, click here.

The Steelhead spawn on the Salmon River is underway, with signs of new spawning beds every day. Fishing during the peak spawn can be very challenging as their natural duties have them thinking about everything but eating. It is important this time of year to put your time in and take it slow. Fish each run methodically with a variety of offerings and adjust the depth of your floats accordingly. Do not be quick to leave a run after putting only a couple casts in. It may take awhile for the fish to turn on and take your offering.

As the Steelhead finish their spawn, and the water warms up, the fishing will be excellent. This is the best time to come fishing in the Spring. This usually occurs around the first or second week of April! Beads work great this time of year as there are plenty of loose eggs in the system. One of our best color beads is Glo-Roe. Best of luck on the water!!
In late April, we switch our focus to Cayuga Lake and Lake Ontario where we begin our trolling season. Our fishing charters on the lakes last until mid September!
If you are interested in targeting Lake Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Landlocked Salmon on Cayuga Lake, click here.
If you are interested in targeting King Salmon, Coho Salmon, Lake Trout, Brown Trout, and Steelhead on Lake Ontario, click here.
Capt Andrew